About Us

The Fund for Public Consultation is a 501(c)3 public charity committed to providing support for the development and practice of consulting the public on public policy.

The Fund for Public Consultation’s primary grantee, the Program for Public Consultation (PPC) at the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, is PPC committed to developing and refining methods of public consultation and applying those methods.

On a regular basis, PPC develops policymaking simulation surveys on key issues Congress is facing. In a policymaking simulation survey, respondents are briefed on the issue, weighing pro and con arguments on the policy options Congress is considering, and make recommendations on what Congress should do. These policymaking simulation surveys are developed with input from senior congressional staffers from both parties and outside experts, from across the political spectrum, to ensure accuracy and balance. The results are summed up and reported so that each Member of Congress can more clearly hear the views of the people in their own district or state, as well as the nation as a whole. All of the findings, and the details on how the policymaking surveys are conducted, will also be reported to the Executive Branch, the news media and the public in a fully transparent online process.

All research by the Program for Public Consultation is archived by The Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).